Adepty is a powerful web application that transforms how you deliver operating procedures.
Proper process sets the standards for customer satisfaction.
Adepty Features

User Features
As many users as you like
Email accounts for access means uses can be outside of your organisation eg; contractors.
Access via web browser so no cluttering up users' phones with apps.
Easy to update, keeping the most up to date information available to all staff, contractors etc.
Information can be in video, image, text and PDF forms or a combination of all.
Information is stored in categories to allow the right data for the right users without them having to trudge through irrelevant information.
Users can be grouped to limit access to categories eg; Office admin group vs Ground workers.
Very simple to use making it a more accessible option than SharePoint or google docs especially on a mobile device like a phone.
Intuitive search function
You can customise your data hierarchy without it costing you the world to have it built.
Eco positive with the elimination of paper-based information which leaves room for old copies and the wrong instruction.
Admin Features
User Audit trail - see if users have viewed certain material.
Easily add and remove user access.
Group users and allow access to specific categories.
Add and remove categories.
Update, edit or delete all content.
Unlimited videos, images, text and PDF's
Add video from YouTube, Vimeo or natively* (*requires mux account)
Monthly subscription
No contract lock in, terminate with 30 days' notice. (Excludes enterprise level set up)
Technical Features
Aotearoa New Zealand based backups for security and data loss prevention.
24/7 monitoring
NZ based team for support.
NZ based development team dedicated to improving the platform.
Adepty can be offered as a white label solution (Enterprise Subscription).
Custom modules can be built to spec. eg; Inductions, forms
Integrate with other software